Can You Massage Out Sciatica?

 In health


If the root cause is muscular.

You see, nerve impingement can happen from many different causes. A herniated disc pressing on the nerve, a bone spur or muscle tension.

If it’s the latter, medical massage therapy can help. If the cause is muscular, it is the least complicated and it will require the therapist to loosen the tension that built from your lower back (the start of the sciatic nerve) to the soles of your feet.

The therapist will carefully and deliberately follow the nerve path releasing the muscles which are causing you pain; and it doesn’t have to be a painful process.

Think of your sciatic nerve as being within a suffocating and painful vice grip in the surrounding muscles.

Once that lock is released, then your beloved nerve can “breathe” so to speak. The nerves are conduits of sensations, if they are inflamed or irritated then you will continue to experience a lot of pain.

Nerve pain and massage or manual therapy is a delicate dance. We all have to respect the nerve and where its at, and with sciatica, it is angry. So we have to cool that fire with ice, gentleness and patience. The good news is that once the inflammation has been diminished, massage is a wonderful way of soothing the nerve once again.

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