Digital Detox Your Massage with Boundaries

 In health, health, massage, mental health, self care, stress management

The streets are clogged with what seems like endless traffic and your energy is slowly being drained by the  slow crawl of each car. Let’s face it, although mindfulness is an important state of mind that we hope to implement, there are some predicaments we don’t always want to be mindful of.

But what of those special events? Those quiet or rambunctious moments with friends and family. Those vacations you love when you stand in awe of a new statue or a gorgeous landscape and mindfulness is much needed.

For those of us unfamiliar with mindfulness, it’s a state of mind where you are focused and centered on the activity at hand. In the age before smartphones, the concept of focusing didn’t seem like such a far reach. But now that we’re digitally connected like never before, it seems that focus becomes more difficult to do with each passing day.

It’s a sad thing for me to watch someone reach for their cell phone during a massage. Normally, in the treatment room there is a request accompanied by an explanation of the power of device disconnection and the myriad of mental benefits that accompany it. When you disconnect from technology, then mindfulness can have a chance at truly beginning.

However, it cannot begin without a formal introduction to the experience that is about to take place. Massage is a healing art , a technical science with the practitioner giving of their craft to help you. It is special because in its uninterrupted state, you should feel cared for. On an emotional level, even in the most clinical of massages, there is an underlying message… the massage therapist, if they are in a mindful state themselves says with their touch, “ I am here for you, I am unhurried and I will help you to be unhurried too”.

Unhurried. Digest that for a moment won’t you? Does it seem alien, does it seem foreign? To live in a frenzied state creates something called chronic stress. It is a heightened awareness in a guarded frame of mind that leaves you exhausted.

Naturally, there is a time and place for everything and at different paces. There are moments of fun and excitement such as planning your first baby’s nursery or planning a vacation. But even with excitement, you can adopt mindfulness.

For those of you reading this that are too young to have lived in a time where people had to wait to reach you, know this, you are in control. You are empowered to live each moment to its fullest in each of life’s experiences.

That is mindfulness, being in the moment. Whether the moment is fast and exciting or whether it is slow and rich. Mindfulness in your massage is creating quality in your service. Your practitioner attends training and schooling to help you feel better. When you and your massage therapist connect and you allow your mindfulness to give them the ability to express their true talent, the experience is truly memorable.

The mind is a powerful tool. We rob ourselves of quality memories when we are half engaged. There is a time and place for everything. Don’t be anxious about putting away your mobile device. If you can’t control the temptation then give the phone to another with the intention of making a space that is special for you. Constant interruption is catastrophic to any undertaking. What message are you sending when you choose to answer a call , send a text in the midst of something that is supposed to relax and rejuvenate you? You may spend your hard earned money on the best massage therapist, the highest end luxury spa, you may even travel half across the world to receive the most luxurious spa treatments but if you don’t allow yourself to be completely immersed in the moment, you are sadly wasting time. Time that cannot be replaced.

Mindfulness is an acute understanding of the moment. It’s in the moments that matter. The moments for you and for someone to care for you that are almost sacred.

So, in conclusion, the next time you schedule a massage session ask yourself “why am I doing this?” and “what am I hoping to achieve”. There is no guarantee that your massage therapist will be in a mindful state and can usher you into a quiet time of peace. Make it an easy task for them and for you. Here are some tips to create a mindful massage experience.

  • Arrive five minutes early.
  • Text or call anyone you feel is likely to reach you and let them know you are unavailable until said time and your phone will be off.
  • Turn off your phone. Not place it on silence or airplane mode, actually turn it off (There is a visceral sensation of relief when this is done).
  • Breathe deeply and begin to embrace the moment.
  • Let your massage therapist know what you need..

Every good massage therapist, at their core, wants to create a positive and reinforcing experience for you. We understand that stress kills. It’s all over the news. We’re here to help you achieve a time that will benefit you on many levels. I hope you take advantage of these tips and know that you can use them in the massage treatment room or in any situation.

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