You Don’t Need Massage, Until You Do.

 In blog, massage

You don’t need a massage, until you do. Allow me to explain. The world portrays massage as a luxury item for the wealthy. A way to treat and pamper yourself, something that you deserve. This way of viewing and selling massage does not portray how it helps our society.

You need massage when your muscle tension leaves you bent over in excruciating pain and all you can get from the urgent care visit is prescription drugs that leave you drowsy during the day. Massage is not essential within a life or death category but speak to someone that has been in muscular pain for years, visited multiple doctors only to discover relief after one massage session.

Is massage necessary to live? No. Anyone that tries to sell it to you any other way is being dishonest.

What massage can do is help heal others in a deep way. A reminder of human respect and connection we’ve lost in the midst of COVID19. It helps the mother grieving the loss of a stillborn come into her body once more and accept her pain. It helps bridge the gap of a sexually abused person that only knew physical touch as harmful and evil, now re-associating it with an experience that is nurturing and compassionate.

It alleviates the senior citizen trapped in their home month after month with a rare visitor, it soothes the aches and pains of a pregnant woman on her fourth pregnancy. It relaxes the nervous system of an autistic child and allows them to sleep deeper at night and hug his parents easier.

No, massage is not a necessity for life but when presented in the right way, it can help the lives of so many.

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