Miscarriage and Massage

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This post is to address both massage therapists and women that have suffered a loss from miscarriage. As the public demand for natural approaches in Women’s health arises the topic of miscarriage should be addressed. There is an air of mystery around bodywork, massage and manual therapy surrounding miscarriage. This doesn’t have to be the case. My hope is to lift the veil of mystery (and fear) associated with helping women recover from miscarriage by using bodywork as a form of healing. If you are a massage therapist I encourage you to receive maternity-based continued education on serving this clientele properly. I have been witness to the incredible benefits associated with using massage and bodywork to help women through this process.

I remember the first client that had experienced a miscarriage during my time as a therapist.

I treated her with massage during pregnancy, in her home within a lovely neighborhood. When she scheduled her next massage with me and told me she lost the baby, I gasped in shock. All the doubts and fears swept over me as I wondered, “Had I caused this?” 

There was no judgement in her tone towards me and all of my accusations were self-directed. I was creating a deep sense of guilt because of the systemic fear associated with massage and pregnancy. 

The truth was, she didn’t blame me. She shared her story because I had been part of her pregnancy journey and I had cared for her in that state. She only wanted to inform me. 

At the time, I was not as well-versed in mental health and could not recognize the signs that I was holding onto false guilt. It took some time for me to release it. I had taken years of training and courses associated with pregnancy massage from some of the most respected educators in my industry. I had done my due diligence in learning to care for a marginalized demographic that were historically shunned in the massage industry. 

When I began my career in maternity-based massage in 2005, I was a seasoned therapist but new in maternity. I did not allow fear to be a roadblock to the population I knew needed my services. 

Eventually, my client became pregnant again, this time successfully and with a beautiful baby girl.

As devastating as miscarriage is, every maternity-focused health care provider, confronting this loss will be a factor. Often times, it has nothing to do with the practitioner. Over the years, I have learned that some babies simply cannot hold on and sadly there are no amount of efforts that will keep them in that womb. 

Massage therapy applied in a careful way and the correct training can bring more relief to a woman physically, emotionally and mentally than many people imagine. It is unique way in helping her with the pregnancy. Aggressive massage techniques and calculated deeper pressure in specific areas are two completely different things. A pregnant body cannot be massaged the same way as professional athlete. Neither can she be approached as a fragile being incapable of receiving physical relief from tight muscles which require pressure. 

Miscarriage may be a tragic part of the pregnancy experience. It is one that every massage therapist that chooses to work with maternity will inevitably encounter as a health care provider. Their job is to search for and invest in the best training possible for the safety of the client. Your massage therapist may grieve with you when necessary and partner on the road to emotional recovery.

As a massage provider my advice is ; when you feel called to serve a population that is often ostracized , fear is expected but can be conquered with a sense of love, deep responsibility, education and hands on experience. Do not allow the label of “liability” to withhold you from serving a population that you feel drawn to help. Also, take measures in proper documentation both legally to protect and inform both you and your client.

As a consumer of massage therapy, I would encourage you to take your time in exploring who has the most experience and compassion with grief and loss and provides the best results to help walk you through your body’s response to it. Massage may help you through the grieving process of miscarriage by releasing the tension stored from strong emotions, receiving nurturing touch, increasing your blood and lymph circulation for your complete restoration. When you are ready, massage can assist in preparing your body for another pregnancy. Uterine massage may help by increasing freshly circulating blood and thereby nutrients into the uterus.

Massage is not a danger during first trimester pregnancy however, if you have a history of miscarriage, it’s important that you inform your massage therapist. This will help them form a better treatment plan for you and adjust their techniques accordingly. Ask your massage therapist if they have gone through the adequate training and certification for first trimester massage.

Treat your body kindly after a miscarriage with rest, good nutrition and plenty of water. During your massage you may experience emotional release in the form on crying, shaking or yelling. It may be tempting to be embarrassed by this but the majority of massage therapists are deeply empathic and we know this could be a response. Miscarriage was a body-related loss and you are re-connecting with your body once more. Often times, forgiving it.

photo credit : Gleneagles Hospital, Health Plus. gleneagles.com.sg

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