Having Fun for Your Health

 In blog, mental health, mindset, recreation, self care, stress management

There is a graph labeled the human areas of life and it’s an illustration tool to remind us about balance. It has many categories such as work, relationships and so on. One area that is often overlooked for healthy living is fun/recreation and leisure. Oxford Languages define it as

“activity done for enjoyment when one is not working.”

Other words tied to it are pleasure, leisure, relaxation. Prior to COVID19 the work ethic in the United States left little room for this. Compared to other countries we fall behind on making sure that leisure and relaxation are part a healthy lifestyle. In most parts of the world, where work and play are implemented into life the detrimental affects of loneliness (even within marriages) are down and the levels of overall happiness and health are up.

Join me today, as we explore ways to blossom your personal version of recreation. Even if the previous year didn’t punch you in the gut and you made more money than ever, the world as a collective experienced a major shift. Remembering the benefits of leisure motivates us during a time where we may slowly be emerging from one of the most impactful health crisis in our lifetimes. Despite restrictions on how to congregate for the safety of ourselves and others, the act of having fun is important for the human spirit. Laughter, enjoyment and the pursuit of activities that make us happy are a part of keeping a healthy mind and body.


Long life: if living to enjoy the fruits of your hard work such as investments and savings are your thing then be sure to enjoy yourself. A long life allows you to enjoy grand children, travel to all of the places that touch your soul and fill you with wonder and awe.

Seniors : If you’re reading this and you’re already in your golden years, all the more reason to enjoy leisure activities. It keeps your mind sharp and body active and prevents depression.

Preventing illness : Heart attacks and strokes are the leading cause of illness and even death. Stress kills and this is the most common way. Making the time to wind down, take naps when you’re tired and relax is a wonderful way to keep you from experiencing heart and blood pressure related illness or death.


I’m broke

For the past ten years I’ve created a kind of “sparks joy” list before Marie Kondo made it a thing. Instead of material items in my home I’d do it with experiences. For the majority of my adult life I couldn’t afford to travel so I got creative. Learning to enjoy things in my city that had little to no cost. Using the resources around me to understand myself and discover what I loved to do and didn’t. Building this list was a challenge in the midst of the fast pace of everyday life. After some time and practice, I became faster at noting down things I loved quickly and moving on with my day. It also became a discipline for self reflection which everyone should practice. If you consistently refuse to relax and enjoy some downtime, you will risk making yourself very sick. Work is something you won’t be able to do and your income will be affected. Use wisdom and take time to enjoy yourself. see it as an investment.

I’m Sick

Sickness or being in pain was also a motivator  to create a list of experiences and activities that sparked joy. If I was bedridden with the cold, food poisoning, menstrual cramps or limited in movement I had to keep my spirits up. 

So, here’s what you can do and it’s pretty simple. Every time you come across something that made you happy or laugh until your sides hurt, place it on your fun list. Visual people have a scrapbook which is great but you can just have a list you can grab and see. Place it on a bookshelf or a nightstand and refer to it when you’re feeling frustrated. Include things you love that still allow you to rest your body like listening to music or repeat watching of a favorite movie, reading an inspiring or funny book. Avoid dark and somber themes.

Questions to Ask

In times when I’ve been depressed, lonely, sad , frightened or bored I reference back to this list. As I get older, my memory just isn’t what it used to be! Also when I’m in the middle of a circumstance I’d rather not be in, I’m tempted to hyper focus on the problem. Reading the list helps me get out of that mental funk. To start ask yourself:

What do I really like to do? Don’t be influenced by your spouse, friends or even social media. Close your eyes and meditate, imagine yourself doing activities you enjoyed. Pay attention to the times that put a smile on your face and bring you happiness. Place a focus on the activity portion not who was there. I will address that later 🙂

Which comedian do I love to watch? I absolutely adore comedy and find that its presence in our lives are priceless. Which are your favorites? There’s nothing like laughter to help your mood.

What activities do I naturally gravitate to when I’m not working? The key phrase here is not working. If you love to work then this will be a challenge for you. I encourage you to see this downtime as productive as well. Practicing leisure and fun makes you a well rounded person, more interesting and pleasant to be around. No one likes a workaholic grouch! (examples: gardening, being near the ocean or water, painting, dancing, cooking, decorating, writing).

My list is long by now and it evolves over the years as my tastes change. As you mature and grow as a person, your list will too. Remember this is a list to take action on, think of what you can apply, it’s your collection of small quirky things that warm your heart and make you feel good and that was created just for you!

Having Fun Together

Once in a while you’ll find someone that loves that very thing or activity and you can do it together. Our time is consumed by looking at screens and spending quality time with people face to face that you enjoy brings down stress. Unless you’re in the same household, simply be mindful of COVID19 protection and wear your masks when appropriate.

Creating the Best Experience

A word of warning! Forcing, manipulating or coercing someone to join you in your leisure activities is advised against. Understanding what you love as an individual is part of your personal growth, even when you’re in a relationship. Being together is wonderful but not necessary. Your family, spouse or friends may even resent you if you force something on them. Inquire first by asking

“Hey, what do you think about (insert activity)?”

“How do you feel about (insert activity)?”

“What’s your opinion about (insert activity, event, topic or theme) ?”

The people closest to you will appreciate this the most! If you receive an answer like “Yes, OMG I’ve been wanting to try that!” or “Yes, I’m open to trying it out” Consent is key and I promise that it will make your shared experience all the better.

Side bar: Don’t do weird things that hurt people or animals. I’m talking about healthy,wholesome fun. What’s fun for some may not be for others but causing emotional, mental or physical harm to anyone or anything whether virtual or in person is not what I am advocating. Please respect the boundaries of others and help them feel heard and cared for.

I hope this has inspired you to enjoy experiences and activities you hold dear! Remember life is short so have fun, and it has more joy when you discover there are special things that make you happy and live a healthier life.

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