Is Cupping Safe When Pregnant?

 In pregnancy, prenatal, prenatal, women's health

It seems as though cupping has gained popularity at record speed. Olympics athletes have catapulted this ancient healing method into stardom. We have all seen athletes and the physically fit hop on board but what about the pregnant ladies? Is cupping safe for them? The general answer is yes. I have successfully used cupping therapy to help pregnant women for over a decade and can vouch for its safety and effective methods.

Some people have already had experiences with cupping therapy in the past. The images of deep “bruising” in the media hasn’t settled the nerves of new adventures in this popular treatment. We will discuss what cupping therapy is, dispel some myths ,discuss some different methods and ultimately show how it would work for your pregnancy.

Traditional Chinese Medicine

Cupping Therapy originates within Chinese Medicine, which has become more respected each year in the United States. Traditionally it can be coupled with acupuncture treatment.

Eastern modalities in ancient medicine dating thousands of years ago often accept the treatment of releasing stagnation in the body. The movement of fluids such as blood, lymph and other body fluids that run normally through your body known as circulation.

Circulation is highly important for the delivery of proper nutrients to reach muscles, bones and deliver toxins from the body. When then there is stagnation of a bodily fluid such as in the muscle, cupping therapy is used to create a suction over the skin and help move things along.

Natural Relief without Medicine

As a pregnant woman you know that your days taking any medication for pain is extremely limited. Any chemicals or drugs placed in your body can negatively affect your baby. Adding cupping therapy provides relief and leaves you free from chemical side effects. Cupping may leave hickey-like marks depending on the stagnation of your muscle and the length of time the cup is left on the skin.

Simple Science

Cupping therapy isn’t complicated to understand but does require skill to administer. Placing the cup over areas thar carry abnormal tension or the muscle is in pain is advisable because high levels of muscle tension need to be loosened. The cups combined with massage create an easier experience as they prepare the area for the massage therapist by loosening the muscle tissue.

Different Methods

Traditional cupping uses a glass cup and fire. The fire is quickly extinguished within the cup and the cup placed over the skin in a very quick motion to create the proper suction.

There are newer methods which use a vacuum machine to create the suction.

Cupping with bleeding is a more invasive method. The premise behind it is the the stagnant blood must be drawn out. The skin is normally pricked and as the cup begins to vacuum blood. This is very common is Asian cultures but it is still relatively new for those in the United States. It’s wise to ask which style your provider will be using prior to beginning.

Lower Back Relief

Cupping is a natural and safe addition to your prenatal healthcare. Most moms-to-be will be in a sideline position and the cups placed in the area where most of the tension is gathered. As your bellow grows, the lower back muscles, gluteals and well as your thighs might be vert tense from struggling to keep your body in balance from the growing weight of the belly. Cups placed in the lower back muscles and the areas mention will provided added relief to your massage session during pregnancy.

If you should have any doubts or feel worried about marks, ask the provider to control the strength and adjust the pressure of the cups.

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