How Color Therapy and Massage Work

 In alternative health, blog, health, massage, mental health, stress management, wellness

For the past several years I’ve been guided by one company for the color of the year. With that said, the choice for 2021 by Pantone is illuminating yellow.

When I first saw it I thought “yuck”. It didn’t resonate with me at all, I mean, like at all.

I was so turned off by it. Its boldness, it’s brightness. It didn’t represent anything soothing that I longed for and it is certainly not the “spa-esque” vibe that speaks for the massage experience. No, I decided, yellow would simply not do.

Soon after I began to explore my feelings about this color. Why was I so unhappy with it? I realized that it was because it was unfamiliar. I didn’t feel an instant connection to it but clearly it had something to offer. To me, that’s what color therapy does and is. Yes, we all have feelings about color. In fact most people that use color for therapy are hoping you have an emotional attachment to it. But colors are neutral in their intent. In their very existence they simply are, without apology and timidity they are on display in the one arena that so many of us crave for peace of mind : nature.

Colors appear boldly in the natural world around us. Beautifully shown in patterns or covering entire bodies. A flamingo in feathered pink. The bright red petals of a rose, the rust colored hue of a fox’s fur and the dazzling blue of a peacock’s body. The evidence of blended colors light up our skies with the rising and setting of the sun. Yes, color invokes emotion and it can be to your benefit.

In massage therapy, physical touch is the primary sense that is used for healing. In fact many blind people take on this career because sight is not required as much. So, if touch takes precedence over sight how can you incorporate color as a healing element into a massage session?

Physical Tools

In massage you can choose to focus on a color before you begin a session or have it above you as you receive your massage. If you are face up a sheer fabric with that color can be draped above you to fix your gaze on. As you gaze upon that hue focus on the emotions that it brings. Even if it is an intense color such as yellow (which represents happiness for most people) you can have it there. Choose the color to balance your mood and that makes you feel the best when you are receiving your massage. For example if you need cheering up choose a color that brings you joy and energy. If you lack confidence many people choose to focus on the color red. You can brings swatches of fabric or paper with your intended color to help your mood and enhance your therapeutic experience.

Visualizing during Massage

Visualization is a technique that professionals use to help calm your mind. In the instance of color therapy the main focus would be a color guided by you. For example, as your massage begins close your eyes and see what color comes to your mind without any effort or prompting from your part. Acknowledge this color and how it makes you feel. Take deep breaths and continue to keep your eyes closed, tuning into your body. As the massage progresses, so your feeling of surrender and relaxation. It is in this phase of letting go that the color in your mind often changes. Some people may see the color as a mist others may see it as a solid. Others may see the color moving and some people may view the color standing perfectly still. It is important to note that these are the colors you most likely are drawn to. Remember, don’t be surprised if the color changes during your session.

My Story

When going through a particularly difficult time in my life I increased my massage appointment frequency. I used massage along with other therapies but the need to be in a safe space and release tension in my body felt necessary. In the beginning of my session, I closed my eyes and a blue cloud appeared in my mind’s eye. The shape of my color was like a mist and it floated. Yours could be different. I knew this color was not the one I needed or wanted but I accepted where it was. Towards the middle of my session the color changed to a medium shade of purple. Not too deep, not to light. This was the color that resonated within me and represented my healing in that session. I welcomed it and it lingered like a comforting blanket through my massage.

It’s important that I note that colors are not beings or objects. This is not a tool to attach yourself to anything. Colors simply are. I believe they exist in nature as an aspect of beauty and healing. Some peopler drawn and affected by colors more than others but all humans respond to color in some way. Color therapy is one tool that you can use alongside your massage sessions to help you feel calmer. I have experienced it myself without any spiritual or energetic practice attached to it. Some may argue that to use color is to use energy but I know that color therapy can also be utilized in most basic form as well.

In Your Home

This year I will explore the color yellow. It is definitely outside of my comfort zone! That in itself can be very good for those that struggle with change and vibrancy. Which color will you embrace? Which ever it is, you can use color therapy in your home with your decor. To keep it inexpensive focus on accent pieces such as pillows and curtains. You can change your glassware to reflect that color too.

Lastly, you can incorporate your color of choice into your style. If it fits your budget you can purchase shoes of a certain color or for a more subtle approach buy underwear of that color.

Rainbow eating is another form of color therapy. Buy fruits and veggies that have color for the most nutrition. I guess I’ll be drinking lots of lemonade and eating bananas this year. Remember that color therapy is meant to be fun and not taxing. Don’t be so rigid about it that becomes an obsession. Continue to care for your health with regular screenings throughout the year and blood work. Use non traditional therapies alongside conventional ones.

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