Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

 In health, massage

Chronic fatigue syndrome is an umbrella which may compromise a series of differing conditions. It may result from fibromyalgia, lupus or other auto immune disorders. This vague diagnosis often offers little solace to the person living with this day in and out.

Massage therapy offers a unique way to increase a circulation boost to those in which traditional cardiovascular exercise may prove to be too exhausting. Learning to navigate CFS is a challenge when first diagnosed. The limitations that the body experience take time to get used to. Normally, inactivity is discouraged but in the case of CFS it may be the only option as the person learns how much activity they can tolerate.

Circulation is increased with massage in the lymph, blood and synovial fluid of the joints. Muscle tension that is usually built up from inactivity may also be addressed in massage giving the person receiving much relief. CFS continues to be a mystery in the medical community as research is still being explored.

However, as more people and physicians open their mind to natural therapies such as massage they will discover that it contributes significantly in the absence of vigorous exercise. Massage will and should replace exercise all together but as the client/patient is learning how much tolerance they can take physically, massage will be used to help the body along in increasing much needed circulation and deepening sleep.

There are many medical cases where massage helps those which limited exercise is a reality however with CFS, the person may have full function of their body however with limited energy levels. Massage creates a gentle experience and deeper body awareness. The need to regulate sleep is also a crucial aspect of a person’s quality of life. Despite the common advice that those with chronic fatigue should not nap during the day, massage often produces such a relaxed state that it may be inevitable.

If the nap time is not too lengthy , massage may improve night time sleeping as well resulting in better mood, quality rest which may improve energy levels long term.

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