Massage Guns 101

 In massage, wellness

I sat on the black chair elevated slightly above my manicurist as he filed my feet. “Massage?” he asked.

I hesitated, suspiciously eyeing the long remote control on my right. Out of courtesy, I replied, “Sure”. Moments later, plastic knobs were protruding from the vinyl and onto my bum, thighs and lower back none of which felt relaxing.

As a long time fan of getting massage, it’s hard to understand why people get so excited about a machine when a human touch is so much better. However, in defense to the consumer the price point of a skilled professional massage service is much higher. A device, you have at your disposal in the comfort of your home.

Currently massage guns vary in price from $40 to $599. In my experience, the average person lacks the knowledge or discipline to use the tool enough to get their money’s worth from it. Over the course of twenty years, I’ve tried many massage machines and as a professional here’s my verdict.

A contraption that gives mechanical massage can be a great tool if you can reach the body part that needs worked on. If you depend on your partner or kids to do it, it won’t be consistent. So ideally, you could do it yourself.

It’s also worth the cost as extended support between massage appointments with your therapist. Think of it as taking supplements. Realistically most people cannot afford to get a massage on a weekly basis. Instead they can lengthen their results of their session with a machine. Consider your massage appointment the entree and your recovery device your daily vitamin.

Create a schedule where you dedicate time to use your tool for short intervals daily or weekly. Establishing a routine of recovery at home will be easier to follow once placed in your calendar. I like to call mine home therapy.

There are many therapists that use massage guns and find it incredibly useful. Recently, chain franchises began using them during some of their sessions. Some massage guns use vibration which is a technique that mimics tapotements. By shaking the muscle you will eventually loosen it up.


Most people have tight muscles in their back and love having this area worked on but this is a challenge to do alone with a massage gun. Therapists are paid for their knowledge and ability to get to that muscle at just the right angle. Another downside is that you cannot use vibration on every single body part. For example, the head, neck areas often hold much tension but it is not advisable to shake those areas for safety reasons. Many people hold a lot of tension, in their neck and scalp and won’t find relief with a tool like this. Safety is a concern as people that purchase the tool may not take the time to learn how to use it. You also get tired of holding the massage gun and can’t fully relax, if you’re injured, disabled or unable to hold the machine for too long to address the tension, this will be problematic. In a massage therapy session with a therapist, you’re not doing any of the work. All you have to do is relax and enjoy.

Is it Worth the Investment?

There are many massage percussion devices on the market that run on the lower price end which will work well in most households. Having a tool at home to help you is a good choice and they can make your massage sessions with a therapist last longer. A massage percussion device is a worthy investment if 1. you are healing from an injury and need consistent massage but are unable to afford weekly sessions with a therapist. 2. Have continued muscle spasms due to a medical condition, are an athlete, work with your body, have high stress levels. 3. If you have someone at home that is willing to use it on you or you have the consistency to use it yourself.


It’s a good idea to buy a massage gun based on your budget. Any little bit to relieve painful muscle tension helps. Areas that you can effectively work on yourself at home include arms, legs, feet, hands, chest. There are some muscles you will not be able to reach unless you have help. You can have someone at home help you with your back. There are some muscles that require training and knowledge such as abdominal muscles, the rib cage, uterine area, scalp, face and neck. Massage or manual therapy is a great way to relieve pain. You can benefit from both a massage therapist and a device at home.

Take a Class

If you need a class on how to use your gun to avoid injury book a session with your local therapist for instruction or you can book your virtual class at Lumina Massage here.

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