Induction Massage

A proprietary blend created at Lumina Massage of acupressure points, massage and neuromuscular techniques to help stimulate birth and delivery. Induction normally occurs within 24-72 hours, 70% success rate. Safe and effective alternative for women that want to avoid a chemical induced labor.

Prenatal Therapeutic Massage

Blend of Neuromuscular therapy and relaxation techniques. Pain relief from pregnancy-related muscle strain or tension and/or nerve impingement. Experience is deeply relaxing yet effective. Goal is to eliminate physical pain and excessive swelling to increase quality of pregnancy and prepare the body for a health birth and recovery. Firm pressure is safely applied to appropriate areas to relieve muscle tension. Recommended frequency varies on pain levels and case by case basis. Certified for first trimester prenatal massage. Lumina Massage is a state and national approved educational provider for prenatal massage therapy.

Postpartum Recovery

Meant to relieve general muscle soreness from recent delivery and assist to speed recovery from birth. Treatments for post operative c-section scar tissue release, breast mastitis for clogged ducts, neck, shoulder and wrist pain, residual lower back from pregnancy and external pelvic floor muscle release. Manual lymphatic drainage to reduce swelling and abdominal-pelvic massage to restore organ health. Uterine massage for recovery. Massage is given with medium to firm pressure. Treat areas related to muscle tension and pain associated from prolonged breastfeeding positions, bed sharing and diaper changing.  Also for repetitive motion injury/pain from carrying infants. Neuromuscular therapy and relaxation techniques allow mom to be soothed and get the relief she needs. Lumina Massage is an advocate for raising awareness in women receiving physical care after one to three years after birth. Learn more on the blog

Cupping Therapy (Add-on)

Cupping is a safe method for fascia release during your massage. Fascia is a thin layer of tissue beneath the skin and around the organs. During your cupping, the superficial fascia is treated to release allowing for mobility and pain relief. Dry vacuum cupping is used with your session with moderate suction. The cups are supervised at all times to prevent severe damage to the skin. Occasionally, marks will appear on the area where the cup was used. These marks will vary on person to person, the average time to clear the skin varies from one day to a week.

Recommended and safe for Pregnancy and Postpartum

Relieves back pain

Relaxing and provides flexibility to fascia and muscle tension

What’s your availability?

The best method is to search for available appointments on If you should need assistance you may email or request via text/phone call.

Does Induction Massage really work?

Birth is unpredictable but we have a 75% success rate with our sessions. We recommend scheduling your appointment after 38 weeks and with the approval of your midwife or OB doctor. When your provider says you have to induce that is the best time to schedule.

How do I lie down for a prenatal massage?

The client will be sideline and face up. Each position can be altered to accommodate client.

Do you use a pregnancy pillow for the massage?

No, we use high quality but standard pillows to accommodate the needs of our mommies. We also use towels and smaller pillows creatively to create more comfortable support if needed.

Do you use a table with a hole in it ?

No. An effective and safe prenatal massage can be given in a sideline position.

Do you come to the house?

All of clients are seen in house in our Miami Lakes office.

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