Massage for Pitta-Dominant Children

 In alternative health, Ayurveda, children, kids, massage

It’s the brightness in their eyes that I notice first. Then, the way they stride into a room. With Pitta-dominant children, there’s no denying their confidence. But our society has a difficult time with kids with this predominant dosha. They are classified as unruly, bossy, demanding and if left unbalanced even violent.

Today, I will merge two topics that most adults rarely relate to children: massage therapy and Ayurveda.

What is Ayurveda

Ayurveda is an ancient medicinal system in India that dates 3000-5000 years ago. It utilizes the raw materials in nature to cure us of illness, disease by balancing our doshas. The doshas, three constitutions in the body consists of Pitta,Kapha and Vata. Each dosha represents a specific natural element such as Fire,Earth and Air. Each dosha also contributes to the healthy function or malfunction of our bodily systems (e.g. digestive, nervous etc.)

Massage for Children

Bodywork for kids has a great deal of benefits, you can read most of them on this blog post. In India, babies are exposed to massage and it continues onto adulthood. A very normal part of their health culture, Indian daily oil massage or Abyanga is practiced for therapeutic purposes. For children especially, the massaging of joints and ligaments helps with growth pains. During my time working with American children though, I have noticed that the need for healthy human touch is a wonderful asset for sensory development, confidence in respecting the body and building a strong mind-body connection. This increases chances of seeking medical intervention when something feels “off” in their bodies compared to most adults in the west that ignore the vital signals of pain that the body sends.

Pitta-Dominant Children

The majority of women and children are Vata-dominant. Their characteristics being docile, polite, submissive and well-behaved are expected in society. Thus, when a child or woman is Pitta-Dominant they are cast-aside, criticized and suppressed. Due to the fiery temperament of Pitta however, they naturally fight back and refuse to dampen their dominant-nature. Adult women may have more power, say and freedom but children are greatly limited in expressing themselves because they lack the knowledge and insight that adults have acquired over time.

Massage for Pitta

If you are a parent, guardian or a professional working with children, listen closely. A Pitta-dominant child will not trust easily, only the members of their immediate family. I will share my years of experience of working with such children and why I know that despite their hard exterior, they long and need therapeutic touch as part of their life.

Massage Consultation

As much as it confuses Vata-dominant parents, Pitta-dominant children yearn to seek out respect much more than being coddled. However, they are still children and understand little of the world. They are mentally sharp and speak directly, parents, do not suppress this as this is how they communicate best. If they are not insulting the massage practitioner they may continue. They appreciate being addressed in almost an adult-like fashion in conversation thus the massage consultation cannot differ much compared to consulting an adult. Pitta is results driven, therefore (professional) explain your plan and objective on how you are going to help them physically. They are much less concerned with feelings initially and need to understand the logic of this visit, especially because physical touch is not their love language and you, the massage practitioner are a stranger.

Techniques & The Experience

Pitta-dominant people in general enjoy reflexology and work on their feet. Tension in the neck and upper trapezius is common as well. Due to their denser muscular tone, Pitta children are not afraid of pressure, unlike Vata-dominant they will not flinch or be tickled easily. They are at ease with themselves and will decide quickly whether they enjoy the process. If beginning supine (face-up), I recommend starting with legs and feet as Pittas often build tension there. When in a prone (face-down)position, Pitta enjoys massage on the entire back with a focus on the upper area. (Lower back is only affected if Kapha is in their secondary dosha). Pitta enjoys a deeper pressure (however do not use the same as adult pressure) than sensitive Vata-dominant children. If the pressure is light to medium Pitta also enjoys the fast and almost “rough” techniques used in full body Asian or Indian massage styles. Additionally, giving something for Pitta-dominant children to engage in manually provides an outlet for their need to feel productive and allows them be still. Pitta loves to build and or destroy, offering blocks, tools or toys where they can do this will keep them occupied yet still present during the massage. Do not give them a device or technology where they can check-out mentally.

At some point their impatient nature might come forth and ask “are we almost done?”, this is an excellent teaching opportunity to explain the importance of patience. After their massage, I have yet to meet one Pitta-Dominant child that has been happy the massage has been over. Massage is teaching them stillness which will be helpful to them in the future. In fact, many parents express great surprise when Pitta-dominant children are eager to reschedule their next massage. When healthy, nurturing and respectful touch is given, even the youngest child can perceive this as a positive act they wish to include in their life.

Aromatherapy & Oils

Pitta responds well to coconut oil as a base. For relaxation they enjoy nighttime flower scents such as ylang yang. Despite the unfortunate gender stereotypes, Pittas enjoy floral scents very much. The more stress they incur the lighter the floral preference becomes (e.g. Lavender) but nothing will cool Pitta down more than eucalyptus and peppermint.

Introducing Lifelong Self-Care

Despite the dosha combination, I feel a great honor at the ability to work with children. I cannot emphasize enough how much kids enjoy massage and nearly beg their parents to schedule again. This enthusiasm only encourages my work with introducing children to the significant importance of therapeutic massage. Please indulge me for a moment when I say if you schedule a massage for your child you are introducing them to a world of wellness. You are teaching them the value of self-care and helping them understand how to get help early on before the pain becomes unbearable. You are showing them that touch can be used for healing and to help others, not to hurt. You are empowering them that their bodies matter greatly.

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