Joint Pain Therapy Natural vs. Synthetic Options

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Inflammation is like that irritating song you can’t get out of your head on permanent repeat. After a while it’s painful and at times all you can do is think about it. Depending on its severity, which rises and falls like a tortuous wave, pain caused by inflammation can ruin the quality of your life. It can be debilitating and leave you on bed rest and for those that do suffer from chronic inflammation it is a challenge to experience to say the least. Inflammation in the body comes from different sources and currently the focus is on low-grade chronic inflammation from foods and chemical toxins. Regardless of the source, after some time can make you weak and unable to live life to the fullest. It strikes the young and the old and there are teens and young adults living the prime of their lives in a state of constant pain. Inflammation is a marker that something is wrong in the body and it is worthy of being explored and diminished and for some people, this may be a lifelong pursuit. When inflammation is at unbearable rates, then intervention is necessary in the form of medication. Today, I will explore three types of treatments which are Hyaluronic Acid, Platelet-Rich-Plasma (PRP) known as “plasma” Cortisone steroid injections (known as “steroids”) It’s also important to note that this post will be specifically covering injections for joint pain and arthritis and comparing which options are best for you.

 Hyaluronic Acid

If you want to impress your doctor office and others at your next dinner soiree then mention the medical term hyaluronan injections. Joints have a lubrication fluid within them in their natural state. Sadly, this liquid diminishes over time and can lead to inflammation in the joint. H Injections are often used to supplement what exists in the body. The primary goal is to increase mobility in the joint and secondarily reduce inflammation. Hyaluronic acid and plasma seem the more “natural” route of injections but they require a series of treatments.

One of the key aspects of considering any type of injection therapy is to find out the source of how the product is manufactured. According to an article in states that rooster combs may be where your hyaluronic products come from. This can be an issue if you’re vegan or have strong beliefs around using animal sources. If possible, inquire on the source of where the hyaluronic acid is produced. You may call the doctor’s office and ask what brand they use and then visit the website for source information. 

Hyaluronic acid already exists in the body and is the first two out of the three that is considered a more natural approach to inflammation and pain reduction. In the medical world it’s known as viscosupplementation. It’s the extra gel your joints need to prevent them from wearing down even faster. Warning : please let your medical provider know if you have any blood clotting issues prior to taking this injection. 

At the time of this writing shoulder joints are not covered by insurance due to lack of medical studies. Please note that is a primarily economic and insurance based stance. When looking for costs, ask your physician what areas of the body are covered for which injections.

Rapid Repair: Hello PRP

Plasma injection therapy or PRP is a platelet rich plasma therapy that helps regenerate cells and promotes faster healing. It is derived from your own blood (so, you are the source) yay! The process takes place in a centrifuge and your blood separates leaving behind a powerhouse healing protein-rich-plasma , this in turn is injected into the site needed. The appealing aspect of PRP is that the risk for an allergic reaction is lower because the product is your own blood. In approximately one hour (bloo- spinning included) the procedure will be done. The risks associated with PRP are the same as any needle-based therapy or intervention which includes nerve injury, tissue and bruising. This can occur while administering any needle insertion. The downside is that relief is not as immediate but you should see results in a couple of weeks. I recommend this therapy if the inflammation is mild to moderate and you can wait that long for relief. The key aspects to remember about PRP Injections are that it repairs on a rapid scale and more people are interested in it due to the low risk for adverse effects. The proteins in your blood boost the regeneration of cells and that’s what you’re banking on when it comes to healing. PRP is still a newish concept in the world of tissue healing but it’s gaining traction and to date is the most natural approach.

Cortisone Injections

 These products are also manufactured so investigating sourcing is important. Steroid shots mimic the results found in the body’s natural steroids and are a traditional way of reducing inflammation quickly for extreme cases. If the pain is debilitating and you need a “quick fix” cortisone shots are most likely your go-to. They have a long history in the medical community and is the most trusted form of fast relief in urgent cases.

The downside to cortisone shots are the effects it has on your blood pressure and sugar levels. People with diabetes are asked to refrain from cortisone shots or at the very least check their blood sugars afterwards. Warning : If you have any heart related issues or blood sugar diseases it’s strongly recommended that you tell the medical provider that is injecting you with either hyaluronic acid or cortisone. Once again the upside to cortisone shots is the result time frame. Compared to all three cortisone delivers results the fastest but with more side effects. 

These injection therapies are given mostly when OTC (over the counter painkillers) just aren’t cutting it or they are working but make you so drowsy that you can’t drive or work properly. 

Sadly, some life-long health conditions can only use these treatments as a way to manage pain. A case like arthritis may be an example. For temporary tears of the tendons or muscles, these therapies may also work and will only have to be used short-term, making it convenient for the cost and time of the person needing support during their painful period. If you’re particularly picky about the way your skin looks you may want to know that a cortisone shot may lighten your skin at the injection site. If this bothers you, take it into consideration before you schedule your appointment. If your bone density is an issue it’s also important to know that osteoporosis may be a long term side effect of cortisone shots. Check your family history or get a bone density scan before scheduling your injection. 


As of now most natural therapies will most likely be out of pocket. You should assess your finances and see what options are most available to you and what state of pain you’re in. Because Hyaluronic Acid and Cortisone shots are manufactured they can be sold as products and insurance companies can make money off of them. Because they are from outside sources and the cost may be less if you have health insurance. If your symptoms are manageable and you want to reduce the long term effects of other injections consider PRP. Please note that the cost of PRP is most likely not covered by health insurance and may run anywhere from $600-$3000 USD per injection.

Post Injection

It’s important to block off the day to avoid working out, heavy duty cleaning, other household chores or work that includes manual labor for a day or two after an injection. Everyone responds differently but it’s best not to force your body. Give yourself a week or so and check for any strange symptoms including fever or injection at the sight. We all assume needles are sanitary at a doctor’s office! 

Be kind to yourself especially if you’re sensitive to medications and give yourself time to rest. 


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