CBD for Vata/Kapha dosha
In Ayurveda Vata is seen as the most sensitive of all the doshas.
In every aspect whether it is physical, mental or emotional Vata dominant people have a higher level of perception when it comes to the senses. Sound, touch and sight are experiences that they must measure carefully. Often times things taken internally must also be handled with care.
Vata also has a tendency to suffer from nervousness and anxiety however, the psychoactive component of any THC level may not always agree with Vata as hallucinations and panic attacks may ensue depending on THC percentage in the CBD product.
THC-free is a recommended for Vata/Kapha that does wish to experience the potentially therapeutic and calming affects of CBD products as part of their wellness routine.
As for dosing, each product carries its certain number of milligrams however for Vata/Kapha I recommend cutting the recommended dosage in half and using it only for the evening to assist in sleep.
CBD has a calming affect however Vata/Kapha might feel said affects during daylight hours and thus, it’s best recommended in the evening to soothe the nervous system and help with deeper sleep which Vata so often struggles with.